Sunday, April 20, 2014

Paris - Tuesday, 15 April 2014

On our first full day in France, after trying to get the kids back to sleep from 4am til 6am, we eventually were driven to get up by the hunger pains of our least hungry family member (you know it’s serious then).  Having screwed up my nose at Helen’s recommendation of Special K with chocolate flakes, breakfast day 1 was... Special K with chocolate flakes.  And it was pretty good!  (But we still think the concept of combining Special K with chocolate is odd.) 

Then we set off the do the most important thing first.

One of our travel principles (maybe our only one...) is the “Dome of the Rock” principle.  Way back in time, way, way back (Before-Children), Andrew and Elle had an Excellent Adventure through Africa, the Middle East and New York.  We had the good fortune to stay with a friend who was working with ANZ in Jerusalem.  We had a great four or five days there, but for one reason or another (probably me sleeping in and catching up on laundry) we left it until our last day to visit the Dome of the Rock.  Unfortunately for us, that day turned out to be one of Islamic religious significance, and tourists were barred by from entry by seriously-armed young Israeli soldiers.  And so we (more particularly Andrew) have never been inside.  Hence the Dome of the Rock principle: do the important things first.
Under Andrew’s expert guidance, we walked about 10 minutes to Edgar Quinet station on the light –green line, and caught the metro in the direction of Charles de Gaulle Etoile, to Bir-Hakeim.  As we walked along the Quai Branly along the Seine, Grace excitedly pointed out an Australian flag marking the Australian Embassy.  Then more excitedly, we all approached that great landmark of Paris, le Tour Eiffel.  I’ll let some photos do the talking...


After a classic lunch of delicious, chewy baguette avec jambon et fromage on Rue Cler, it was back to the apartment for a nap for Xavier, and Andrew took Grace and Will for a play in the Aire de Jeux (playground) at le Jardin du Luxembourg that they had admired the previous day.


Then it was time to tackle another major monument, l’Arc de Triomphe, and have a wander down l’Avenue des Champs Elysees.

This had to be abbreviated when jetlag starting to kick in again with hunger and tiredness, so we hopped on a train at Franklin D Roosevelt and headed home via the local Café Vavin for a quick but delicious dinner – the kids loved their first Parisian Quiche Lorraine.


  1. Firstly, who is the least hungry family member? Secondly, I really like your Dome of the Rock principle - but how come you didn't pass it on to Cade and I before we lived overseas?! If I had known, I would have cancelled our trips to Tokyo and Hong Kong and made C take me to Prague, Madrid, southern Spain... I feel sure there are more important principles just waiting to be enshrined in a McKinna-Jenkin family travel book. You could use "Ten on Tour" as your template... (I think that's the name of the book Nick's cousins wrote?) xxx

  2. Lovely blogging and great photos!

  3. Memories are made of this. How lucky your children are to have all this to look back on. Have the best time ever, looking forward to reading more through the rest of your adventure-makes for exciting reading (EB would be proud). Cheers and lots of love , Abhay and Michelle
    btw, we went to a French home yesterday.. for a Spanish theme party......and there the twain shall meet. Ole!
